Let's start with something that's recent...
ANN: This story teakes place in the Edo era where Yasuri Shichika is the seventh head of the Kyotou school of Japanese sword martial arts living in Fushou Island with his sister Nanami. With the order from a female samurai general Togame, he sets out for a trip to collect the twelve treasured swords created by a legendary swordsmith Shikizaki Kiki.
More than that though, katanagatari flows beautifully, and the directors intent on maintaining the dialogue of the light novel is impressive. Here are screencaps from episode one. I hope everyone checks it out!
great review thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteLovely post...I Follow you
ReplyDeletelooks like a good anime, ill check it out once i finish my deathnote episodes
ReplyDeleteAnimes with samurais are always good :D!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check that out thx!
ReplyDeleteHaven't heard of it, but seems pretty cool :)
ReplyDeletekeep up the posts, following you.
ReplyDeleteWhen I watch anime, I prefer the ones set in feudal era over future scifi ones. I might check this out.
ReplyDeletei love that all of your ads right now are for swords. im stocking up.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine talk me about this anime, seems really good.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, not really my bag - but a good post regardless. :) (following)
ReplyDeletenice stuff!
ReplyDeletesupportin & following!
Sounds cool man, I'm into a bit of anime so I might check it out.
ReplyDeletei might want to check that out !